中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所农业遥感学科组的研究人员基于Google Earth Engine云平台,以中国东北地区耕地SOM为研究对象,获取2014-2022年所有可用的Landsat-8影像与主要环境变量(气候、地形)结合随机森林回归算法分别建立水田与旱田SOM预测回归模型,以评估水田与旱田分别的最佳窗口期与适宜环境变量,最后对比整体回归与区分水田旱地局部回归的精度差异。
图1. 采用不同策略进行土壤有机质制图结果
图2. 水田与旱田在不同月份状态(a)4月份旱田(b)5月份旱田(c)4月份水田 (d)5月份旱田
该研究发表在农林科学领域1区Top期刊Soil and Tillage Research上,农业遥感学科组助理研究员罗冲为第一作者,刘焕军研究员为通讯作者。研究工作得到国家重点研发计划项目(2021YFD1500100)与王宽诚率先人才计划“产研人才扶持项目”联合资助。
论文信息如下:Luo,C.,Zhang,W.,Meng,X.,Yu,Y.,Zhang,X.,& Liu,H*. (2024). Mapping the soil organic matter content in Northeast China considering the difference between dry lands and paddy fields. Soil and Tillage Research, 244,106270.
Zhang,Y.,Luo,C.*,Zhang,Y.*,Gao,L.,Wang,Y.,Wu,Z.,...& Liu,H. (2024). Integration of bare soil and crop growth remote sensing data to improve the accuracy of soil organic matter mapping in black soil areas. Soil and Tillage Research, 244,106269.
Zhang,W.#,Luo,C.#,Meng,X.,Zang,D.,Zhang,X.,& Liu,H*. (2024). Predicting regional soil organic matter content utilizing conventional satellites: Assessing the influence of temporal,spatial,and spectral disparities. Catena, 237,107821.
Meng,X.,Bao,Y.,Luo,C.,Zhang,X.,& Liu,H*. (2024). SOC content of global Mollisols at a 30 m spatial resolution from 1984 to 2021 generated by the novel ML-CNN prediction model. Remote Sensing of Environment, 300,113911.
Luo,C.,Zhang,W.,Zhang,X.,& Liu,H*. (2024). Mapping the soil organic matter content in a typical black-soil area using optical data,radar data and environmental covariates. Soil and Tillage Research, 235,105912.