(1) F Yuan*, D M. Ricciuto, X Xu, et al. Evaluation and improvement of the E3SM land model for simulating energy and carbon fluxes in an Amazonian peatland. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2023. 332. 109364.
(2) X Zhu, Z Guo, .., F Yuan*, et al. Environmental stress stimulates microbial activities as indicated by cyclopropane fatty acid enhancement. Science of The Total Environment 2023. 162338.
(3) J Liu, F Yuan*, Y Zuo, et al. Warming-induced vegetation growth cancels out soil carbon-climate feedback in the northern Asian permafrost region in the 21st century. Environmental Research Letters 17, no. 8 (2022): 084009.
(4) X Zhu, F Yuan*, L He, et al. Wetland conversion to cropland alters the microbes along soil profiles and over seasons. Catena 214 (2022): 106282.
(5) C Ren, F Mo, …, F Yuan*, The global biogeography of soil priming effect intensity. Global Ecology and Biogeograph 2022,31(8), pp.1679-1687
(6) F Yuan, Y Wang, D M Ricciuto. et al. Hydrological feedbacks on peatland CH4 emission under warming and elevated CO2: a modeling study, 2021, Journal of Hydrology. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.127137
(7) F Yuan, Y Wang, D M. Ricciuto, et al, An Integrative Model for Soil Biogeochemistry and Methane Processes: II. Warming and Elevated CO2 Effects on Peatland CH4 Emission, Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences.2021 126(8), p.e2019JG005468.
(8) J Liu, Y Zuo, N Wang, Fenghui Yuan*, et al. Comparative Analysis of two Machine Learning Algorithms in Predicting Site-level Net Ecosystem Exchange in Major Biomes, Remote Sensing 2021; 13(12):2242.
(9) F Yuan; J Liu; Y Zuo; et al. Rising vegetation activity dominates growing water use efficiency in the Asian permafrost region from 1900 to 2100, Science of The Total Environment 2020, 736, 139587.
(10) F Yuan, J Wu, A Wang, et al. A semiempirical model for horizontal distribution of surface wind speed leeward windbreaks, Agroforestry Systems, 2020, 94: 499-516.
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