论文编号: |
论文题目: |
Identification and characterization of the rice pre-harvest sprouting mutants involved in molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis |
英文论文题目: |
Identification and characterization of the rice pre-harvest sprouting mutants involved in molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis |
第一作者: |
Liu, X |
英文第一作者: |
Liu, X |
联系作者: |
方军 |
英文联系作者: |
Ju Fang |
外单位作者单位: |
英文外单位作者单位: |
发表年度: |
2019 |
卷: |
222 |
期: |
1 |
页码: |
275-285 |
摘要: |
In cereal crops, ABA deficiency during seed maturation phase causes pre-harvest sprouting (PHS), and molybdenum cofactor (MoCo) is required for ABA biosynthesis. Here, two rice PHS mutants F254 and F5-1 were characterized. In addition to the PHS, these mutants showed pleiotropic phenotypes such as twisting and slender leaves, and then died when the seedling developed to four or five leaves. Map-based cloning showed that OsCNX6 and OsCNX1 encoding homologs of MoaE and MoeA were responsible for F254 and F5-1 mutants, respectively. Genetic complementation indicated that OsCNX6 not only rescued the PHS and seedling lethal phenotype of the cnx6 mutant, but also recovered the MoCo-dependent enzyme activities such as xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH), aldehyde oxidase (AO), nitrate reductase (NR) and sulfite oxidase (SO). Expression pattern showed that OsCNX6 was richly expressed in seed during embryo maturation by quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR and RNA in situ hybridization. Furthermore, the OsCNX6 overexpression plants can significantly enhance the MoCo-dependent enzyme activities, and improved the osmotic and salt stress tolerance without unfavorable phenotypes. Collectively, these data indicated that OsCNX6 participated in MoCo biosynthesis, and is essential for rice development, especially for seed dormancy and germination, and OsCNX6 could be an effective target for improving abiotic stress tolerance in rice.
英文摘要: |
In cereal crops, ABA deficiency during seed maturation phase causes pre-harvest sprouting (PHS), and molybdenum cofactor (MoCo) is required for ABA biosynthesis. Here, two rice PHS mutants F254 and F5-1 were characterized. In addition to the PHS, these mutants showed pleiotropic phenotypes such as twisting and slender leaves, and then died when the seedling developed to four or five leaves. Map-based cloning showed that OsCNX6 and OsCNX1 encoding homologs of MoaE and MoeA were responsible for F254 and F5-1 mutants, respectively. Genetic complementation indicated that OsCNX6 not only rescued the PHS and seedling lethal phenotype of the cnx6 mutant, but also recovered the MoCo-dependent enzyme activities such as xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH), aldehyde oxidase (AO), nitrate reductase (NR) and sulfite oxidase (SO). Expression pattern showed that OsCNX6 was richly expressed in seed during embryo maturation by quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR and RNA in situ hybridization. Furthermore, the OsCNX6 overexpression plants can significantly enhance the MoCo-dependent enzyme activities, and improved the osmotic and salt stress tolerance without unfavorable phenotypes. Collectively, these data indicated that OsCNX6 participated in MoCo biosynthesis, and is essential for rice development, especially for seed dormancy and germination, and OsCNX6 could be an effective target for improving abiotic stress tolerance in rice.
刊物名称: |
New Phytologist |
英文刊物名称: |
New Phytologist |
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英文第一作者所在部门: |
论文出处: |
英文论文出处: |
论文类别: |
英文论文类别: |
参与作者: |
X. Liu, J. Wang, Y. Yu, L. N. Kong, Y. M. Liu, Z. Q. Liu, H. Y. Li, P. W. Wei, M. L. Liu, H. Zhou, Q. Y. Bu and J. Fang |
英文参与作者: |
X. Liu, J. Wang, Y. Yu, L. N. Kong, Y. M. Liu, Z. Q. Liu, H. Y. Li, P. W. Wei, M. L. Liu, H. Zhou, Q. Y. Bu and J. Fang |