论文编号: |
论文题目: |
Absorption characteristics of CDOM in treated and non-treated urban lakes in Changchun, China |
英文论文题目: |
Absorption characteristics of CDOM in treated and non-treated urban lakes in Changchun, China |
第一作者: |
吕丽丽 |
英文第一作者: |
L. L. Lyu |
联系作者: |
宋开山 |
英文联系作者: |
K. S. Song |
外单位作者单位: |
英文外单位作者单位: |
发表年度: |
2020 |
卷: |
182 |
期: |
页码: |
摘要: |
In urban settings, one may find (i) lakes that are non-treated (NT) and impacted by recurrent discharges of pollutants and nutrients, and (ii) lakes that, through restoration measures and active management, are treated (T) from external inputs. The optical properties of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) have been used to assess the anthropogenic impact on lakes ecology, but their application in comparative assessments of urban lakes has not been attempted. For 2 years, we measured nutrients and CDOM properties in water samples collected from NT and T lakes in the city of Changchun, China. Significant differences in CDOM properties were found between the two types of lakes, and these results were supported by redundancy analysis. The NT lakes were eutrophic while the T lakes were mesotrophic, with mean trophic status index (TSI) of 74.2 and 50.3, respectively. The CDOM absorption coefficient at 350 nm, a(350), was 2-fold higher in NT than in T lakes (6.59 vs 3.21 m(-1)). In the NT lakes, CDOM components predominantly comprised large molecular weight (MW > 1000-Da) humus-like substances of allochthonous origin, whereas in the T lakes CDOM was dominated by low MW (< 1000-Da) substances from autochthonous production. Seasonal fluctuation has a great influence on the CDOM concentration, but a little influence on its molecular composition. The CDOM concentration were higher in summer than in other seasons. Weather conditions (rainfall, temperature) and biophysical processes (biodegradation, photo-bleaching) likely contributed to these variations. We found the water quality of the treated lakes was getting better from 2016 to 2018. In summary, the study results, not only revealed seasonal effects, but most importantly documented the impact of human activities on the characteristics of CDOM in urban lakes. Most specifically, the sharp difference between the lakes in regard to a(350) (2-fold lower in T than in NT lakes) demonstrated the suitability CDOM absorption coefficient as an early indicator of the impact of treatment measures on the hydrochemistry of DOM in urban lakes. |
英文摘要: |
In urban settings, one may find (i) lakes that are non-treated (NT) and impacted by recurrent discharges of pollutants and nutrients, and (ii) lakes that, through restoration measures and active management, are treated (T) from external inputs. The optical properties of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) have been used to assess the anthropogenic impact on lakes ecology, but their application in comparative assessments of urban lakes has not been attempted. For 2 years, we measured nutrients and CDOM properties in water samples collected from NT and T lakes in the city of Changchun, China. Significant differences in CDOM properties were found between the two types of lakes, and these results were supported by redundancy analysis. The NT lakes were eutrophic while the T lakes were mesotrophic, with mean trophic status index (TSI) of 74.2 and 50.3, respectively. The CDOM absorption coefficient at 350 nm, a(350), was 2-fold higher in NT than in T lakes (6.59 vs 3.21 m(-1)). In the NT lakes, CDOM components predominantly comprised large molecular weight (MW > 1000-Da) humus-like substances of allochthonous origin, whereas in the T lakes CDOM was dominated by low MW (< 1000-Da) substances from autochthonous production. Seasonal fluctuation has a great influence on the CDOM concentration, but a little influence on its molecular composition. The CDOM concentration were higher in summer than in other seasons. Weather conditions (rainfall, temperature) and biophysical processes (biodegradation, photo-bleaching) likely contributed to these variations. We found the water quality of the treated lakes was getting better from 2016 to 2018. In summary, the study results, not only revealed seasonal effects, but most importantly documented the impact of human activities on the characteristics of CDOM in urban lakes. Most specifically, the sharp difference between the lakes in regard to a(350) (2-fold lower in T than in NT lakes) demonstrated the suitability CDOM absorption coefficient as an early indicator of the impact of treatment measures on the hydrochemistry of DOM in urban lakes. |
刊物名称: |
Environmental Research |
英文刊物名称: |
Environmental Research |
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论文出处: |
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参与作者: |
L. L. Lyu, Z. D. Wen, P. A. Jacinthe, Y. X. Shang, N. Zhang, G. Liu, C. Fang, J. B. Hou and K. S. Song |
英文参与作者: |
L. L. Lyu, Z. D. Wen, P. A. Jacinthe, Y. X. Shang, N. Zhang, G. Liu, C. Fang, J. B. Hou and K. S. Song |